Five personal sessions with Dr. Brenda Hattingh



First -  Meet Dr. Brenda Hattingh and learn what the self-coaching course is all about in this short video below.


The aim of this course.

These 5 one-on-one coaching sessions with Dr. Brenda Hattingh will boost your self-coaching skills, while you discover your authentic self, and learn how to create a new season of ultimate success. This coaching package is designed to help you harness your power while recovering your DNA success blueprint

At the same time, you will learn how to overcome destructive self-defeating habits, programs, and strategies and replace them with a new mindset, and power skills and tools.  

You will learn how to live the powerful and fulfilling life you were created for as you and your life are transformed into your best version possible.  

At the end of this coaching course, you will take with you 

  • A whole new mindset.
  • A clear vision of the future / the next season of your life.
  • A map of how to get there.
  • A clear picture of who you are as your authentic self.
  • A deeper understanding of your shadow ego-self and how it sabotages your life.
  • Strategies to overcome your own self-defeating mechanisms.
  • New skills and tools to create the success and authentic life you desire and deserve.
  • A new strategy for creating lasting fulfilling relationships
  • A new approach to money and health issues.
  • New self-coaching skills and tools
  • Transformation, inspiration, and empowerment.
  • Strategies on how to understand, help and support others.
  • You will take in a new place and fulfill your true purpose
  • You will become the authentic leader the world is waiting for.
  • Preparation for the next step.


We all have a DNA blueprint that holds the codes and keys for our health, wealth, happiness, success, and prosperity. Unfortunately, we became disconnected. 

This means that we developed two sides to ourselves. 

On the one side, we find a real me, an authentic self with our codes and keys to success. On the other side, we find a shadow ego-self that is a fake self that creates conflict and disintegration. 

There is a battle going on between these two sides of self. Whoever wins this battle and makes the defining decisions, will determine the quality of your life. 

You have to choose. You have to learn how to mindfully coach yourself in the right direction. 

 The wakeup call

The Covid-19 pandemic was a wake-up call no one on planet Earth can ignore. The world and its people had to change and adapt overnight.  

As we went into lockdown, people needed to fall back on their inner resources. Many survived this challenge and rose above the dilemmas. However, most people found the dilemma challenging and disruptive. Many people and businesses didn’t survive. 

A new Dawn 

It is the dawning of a new era for each one of us personally and for humanity as a whole.

During the Covid pandemic, it became evident that learning how to mindfully coach yourself, was imperative. 

Self-coaching is now the number one must-have skill.



Mastering the skill of self-coaching by learning who you are, and how to overcome your shadow ego-self while coaching yourself to ultimate success, has become one of the most important skills that will take you to a new future. The reason is, that change and time are speeding up. Without self-coaching skills, you are unfortunately doomed to fail. 

The upside is that once you know how to coach yourself, you can help others to do the same. This is also part of your life purpose and personal calling. 


Fast forward your self-coaching adventure 

There are various ways you can learn to coach yourself. You can do this by, 

  • Trial and error. However, life is too short to keep on learning from your mistakes
  • Self-learning. There are various books you can read on self-coaching.

See the series on authentic living and leading here

  • Learn from the expert and fast forward your process

You do not need to embark on this journey all on your own. This special coaching package includes five personal one-on-one sessions with Dr. Brenda Hattingh as your personal guide and mentor. 

This is meant to not only fast forward your self-coaching skills, but to provide you with a whole new mindset, skillset, and a map for your future and/or the new season of your life.

In these personal coaching sessions, you will also gain deeper insight from the relationship.


A One-time offer

Personal one-on-one sessions are time-consuming. This is, therefore, a one-time offer. There are only a few places available that will be allocated to first come first serve. 

Don’t delay. Book your place now.  

What does this coaching package include?

This coaching package includes

  • Five one-on-one personal coaching sessions with Dr. Brenda Hattingh via Zoom/WhatsApp. 
  • Your personal coaching journal. 
  • Access to the series of E-books: Authentic living and leading 
  • The authentic self – Who am I?
  • Self-coaching. Learn to coach yourself to ultimate success
  • Authentic leadership. How to recover your DNA leadership Blueprint
  • Access to the series of exclusive videos on Authentic Living and Leading
  • Daily Power Tools for Power People. Delivered to your inbox
  • Access to the Facebook group. Keepers of the Authentic Self. 
  • First access to follow-up courses.


Outline of coaching course

All people are unique and have different needs, different expectations, and are at different stages of their lives. Every coaching session is therefore uniquely tailored to meet the personal needs of every person.

However, here are short guidelines for the content of each coaching session.

Session 1

  • Creating a new mindset – a success mindset
  • Identifying your personal needs, your future, and the next season of your life
  • Creating a map for your future
  • Learning new visualization techniques

Session 2.

  • Who is your authentic self?
  • Meeting and connecting to your authentic self
  • Learning how to tap into the power of your authentic self
  • Learning how to decern the inner voice of your authentic self

Session 3 

  • Who is the shadow ego-self?
  • How did your shadow ego-self form? Why?
  • Connecting to your shadow ego-self
  • How to overcome the destructive influence of your shadow ego-self in your life.
  • Overcoming negativity, abuse, destructive behaviour, and self-sabotage.
  • Making peace with and healing your shadow self and your ego.
  • Self-coaching. How do you coach yourself?
  • Inner self-talk.

Session 4.

  • Identifying the quality of the relationships currently in your life
  • How to lay a new foundation for quality relationships.
  • Coping with the demands of other people, projects, and challenges.
  • Learning how to communicate from your authentic self.
  • Addressing financial and health issues.

Session 5

  • Finalizing your map to your new future/new season
  • Concluding your to-do list 
  • Setting real authentic intentions
  • Committing to your new path 
  • Finalizing your new implementation strategies 
  • Conclusion 
  • Preparing for the next level 

 In these five sessions, we will begin to recover your authentic DNA success blueprint,  activate your inner GPS, and build a map for the rest of your life.  

You will also learn that you have a new future at the tip of your fingers. You have been given the power of free-fill, to decide how you are going to use your gift of this life. 

How to book your coaching course

  • Subscribe to your 5-session, one-on-one coaching course by hitting the ENROLL NOW button below.  
  • Once you have subscribed, we will open our diary for you to book your sessions in advance. 

A special free coaching call

  • If you need a free 30” chat before booking, you can send a WhatsApp to +27 71 4011100. We will reply with a time and date for our chat.

Duration and procedure

This personal coaching course runs over 5 weeks

  • You have one session per week for 5 weeks
  • We set aside a specific time and date for you for the same time over 5 weeks
  • Every session is +/- 60”- 90”
  • We can communicate or per Zoom or over WhatsApp
  • You will receive a reminder and/or a Zoom invitation for your weekly session
  • If you live close enough, we can book personal face-to-face sessions in Pretoria South Africa. 

Investment and payment

  • Investment: $ 499 /course paid upfront
  • Special discount OF 25%

Please contact us for a special discount if you are a

  • South African citizen  (-25 %) - or - 
  • A teacher in South Africa (-30%)

 to qualify for your discount. by sending an email to [email protected] or send a WhatsApp message to +27 71 4011100 and we will provide you with your special discount code. 

Once your payment has been received you will receive an email containing 

  • Your personal PDF journal  
  • links to your E-books. 
  • You will also receive a link to our calendar for you to book your sessions in advance
  • You can also book a call on +27 71 4011100

What are others saying?

As a qualified Psychologist, Dr. Brenda Hattingh has been in the coaching, mentoring, and counseling profession for over thirty years. Thousands of people have benefited from her expertise and wisdom. 

Find out what others are saying here

What makes this coaching course unique?

After a motorcar accident and fracturing three neck vertebrates, that left her paralysed, Dr. Brenda had to learn how to coach herself back to health and a new life. During this time she researched the Human Genome Project that set out to identify the full Human Genome as the perfect human DNA. blueprint. 

Dr. Brenda found that with the right mindset, skills, and tools, you have the ability to restore your own authentic self as your unique DNA blueprint and create a new life that looks totally different from your life before.   The DNA codes keys and the authentic self,  are God-given gifts. 

At the same time, you contribute to restoring our global community to its real authentic purpose, by just starting with yourself. 

The truth is, you can heal yourself, you can heal your DNA blueprint, and you can restore your life to a whole new level of health, wealth, happiness, success, and prosperity. 

 Her recovery took about 11 months. Three books were written during this time and various training courses were made available.  

Now the opportunity comes to you to learn how to coach yourself while restoring your authentic DNA blueprint while creating a new season of success, prosperity, and quality living - directly from the expert. 

In this one-on-one coaching course, you get the opportunity to learn all the skills and tools while fast-forwarding your self-coaching career. 

This self-coaching course is a global first in coaching, mentoring, and training.  

Here is a reminder of what you will take with you after this course:

At the end of this coaching course, you will take with you 

  • A whole new mindset.
  • A clear vision of the future / the next season of your life.
  • A map of how to get there.
  • A clear picture of who you are as your authentic self.
  • A deeper understanding of your shadow ego-self and how it sabotages your life.
  • Strategies to overcome your own self-defeating mechanisms.
  • New skills and tools to create the success and authentic life you desire and deserve.
  • A new strategy for creating lasting fulfilling relationships
  • A new approach to money and health issues.
  • New self-coaching skills and tools
  • Transformation, inspiration, and empowerment.
  • Strategies on how to understand, help and support others.
  • You will take in a new place and fulfill your true purpose
  • You will become the authentic leader the world is waiting for.
  • Preparation for the next step.


A reminder of this one-time offer

Personal one-on-one sessions are time-consuming. This is, therefore, a one-time offer. There are only a few places available that will be allocated as first come first serve. 

Don’t delay. Book your place now.  

Your coach and mentor

Dr. Brenda Hattingh is an international leadership expert and consultant, inspirational speaker, life coach, futuristic thought leader, and author. Her areas of expertise cover topics including developing New Leadership DNA, self-coaching, authentic leadership, genetic resilience, and Power Intelligence – the intelligence of the future.

Dr. Brenda’s academic career includes a B.Sc. degree in Medical Science, Genetics, and Neurobiology, an Honours and Master’s degree in Adult Education, and Ph.D. in Psychology, which secured her a lecturing post at a leading university in Organisational Psychology and leadership development. However, it was her personal journey back from being paralyzed after fracturing her neck in an accident, that led her to understand how to coach yourself back to health, wealth, happiness, and success by recovering your original DNA success blueprint.  This has since been translated to securing personal and company well-being and the success of large companies and organizations.

For the last 20 years, Brenda has contributed to humanity’s genetic leap to authenticity as encoded as our original DNA blueprint. As though leader, her research, courses, articles, keynote addresses, and books focus on bringing the mind-blowing information of DNA recovery, to leading companies, organisations, and governments.

Unfortunately, humanity currently finds itself in a downward spiral of abuse, and destruction. Dr. Brenda’s contribution is to not only stop this downward spiral but to turn it around while creating a new vision of health, wealth, happiness, and success that benefits all. This requires not only change and transformation, but a quantum leap into a new future.

It also requires a whole new mindset, but also a new heart-set with new skills and toolsThis also calls for a new intelligence – Power Intelligence. Power Intelligence is the intelligence of the future that brings humanity in balance with Artificial Intelligence. The Academy for Authentic Living and Leading provides all the necessary courses with new information, skills, and tools.

Her comprehensive body of work on ‘authenticity in Action’, includes the commitment to recovering our original DNA success blueprint while developing a new generation of authentic thinkers and leaders that will take us forward to an inspiring future.

Dr. Brenda has also received various awards including the Professional Businesswomen of the Year Award for facilitating change and transformation in large companies, organizations, and government departments, alike. Her work is a global first.

Dr. Brenda believes this new future starts with you!

Who should invest?

We all need a helping hand at some or other time in our lives. This coaching course will provide you with all the skills, tools, support, and guidance if you…

  • Are at a crossroads and need new direction.
  • Need to boost yourself to get you to the next level.
  • Want to find out what the future can hold for you.
  • Are caught up in a negative spiral and want to break free.
  • Want to detox, detangle and redesign your life.
  • Need to develop more effective coping skills 
  • Want to make sense of the things happening in your life.
  • Need to heal the pain of the past to be free to create a new future.
  • Want to invest in the satisfaction and happiness of your relationships
  • Need to prepare for a promotion at work or a new job.
  • Have inner blocks and self-sabotage you need to get over.
  • Want to upscale and re-align your business.
  • Feel you need to get to know yourself better and release more of your potential
  • Are prepared to embark on and invest in authentic living.
  • Tired of struggling and surviving and want to start living a full life. 
  • Become the authentic leader the world is now waiting for.

If you agree to one or more of these statements, then this coaching package is for you!

Book your place HERE

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